Our breastfeeding journey: Part 4

Why pumping did not work for me -- until I learned a secret. When I started pumping, it was painful. So painful that I was close to tears during pumping and, afterwards, any time even a soft shirt would touch my nipples, I’d wince in pain. A bunch of pumping moms said, “It gets better over time.” But that was not true for me.

Week 13: She is in so much less pain

The original post in late April of 2021 in her facebook group. In general, she's feeling so much better. I’m still shocked how much less pain she’s in (I’m guessing a combo of this elimination diet paired with “nursing”). Most feedings she still has maybe 5 minutes of crying and pain from reflux or gases,... Continue Reading →

Week 11: Wonderful and weird

This was original posted on facebook in 2021 around a month after we found out about her diagnosis. This week was both wonderful and weird At this second, most of the time I just feel like a normal mom.  Eloise is literally breastfeeding 95% of the time she’s awake these days. (And, unlike her bottle... Continue Reading →

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