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Those who have experienced pain…

Today is Easter Sunday — a day where many all over the world celebrate hope. The year Eloise was born, I made her birth announcement on Good Friday, with the faith that, someday, her life would be a story of great joy rather than of grief and sorrow. As I type, however, that day has…

With every new virus comes an onslaught of seizures

For the third time since we came home less than a month ago, Eloise has a virus. Which now means days of almost constant seizures. Considering she just had 5 days in a row of only 1-2 seizures per day and was beginning to act like herself again, this super sucks. So yesterday, as Baby…

After a year break, her seizures are back

The short story. Eloise’s seizures have returned. We thought it was just an indication she was getting sick and they’d go away again, but they might be here to stay. And treatment options are complicated. What kind of epilepsy does Eloise have? Eloise’s seizures are related to a single gene she’s missing — SCN1A. This…

Lipstick, pie, and IKEA

Eloise’s first 3-4 months were dark for Brian and I. Very dark. Very very very dark. Eloise was struggling with severe reflux provoked by extreme food intolerances. It meant she screamed for hours and hours and hours every day. Every moment she was awake and not crying, we were focused on getting her enough milk.…


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