Those who have experienced pain…

Today is Easter Sunday — a day where many all over the world celebrate hope.

The year Eloise was born, I made her birth announcement on Good Friday, with the faith that, someday, her life would be a story of great joy rather than of grief and sorrow.

As I type, however, that day has not yet come. We are in the thick of our fourth seizure marathon this month, a time in which Eloise’s body is attacked by hundreds of seizures in just a few days. In these times especially, it’s tough to see past the worry.

Brian and I were praying this morning and a hopeful thought came — so many people around the world experience mental, physical, or emotional pain or anguish that endures for far too long. Or they love someone who struggles with it.

And though the pain can be blinding, the beautiful thing is that, sometimes, our greatest life lessons and wisdom comes from times when we can’t escape the darkness for months, years, or even decades.

If that’s you, we’d love to hear your wisdom. What has chronic pain or loss (or loving and caring for someone with chronic pain) taught you about life? About love? About your faith? What words of wisdom or hope would you give to someone in the thick of it?

We’d love to hear. And, although we likely won’t be able to respond, we promise we will read every comment or email. Leave your story here or send it to our email eloisethetinyfighter @

All our love.

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